Beauty at its Best

Just when you thought our facial treatments couldn’t get any better, Jax goes and adds another notch to her beauty belt!

…Introducing our newest facial treatment – DERMAPLANING.

Want younger, smoother, brighter and more even skin? Yep, me too!

Come on in and check out our Dermaplaning Facial. 

It’s designed to not only leave the skin soft, smooth and bright but exfoliates off old cells to promote cell regeneration, stimulate production of collagen & elastin and improve hydration.

The best bit about this facial (and this is what makes it SO different) is it literally removes the fine hairs on your face (aka ‘peach fuzz’). This not only means you get all of the above results but you also end up with completely sily soft bare skin allowing your products to be properly absorbed, and penetrate deep within the skin.

Basically, all of this equals reduced wrinkle depth and volume – yes please! …Oh, and we should probably mention that your makeup application will be super smooth and even too.

Dermaplaning is a skin resurfacing technique but with ZERO downtime. Using a surgical grade blade to remove the hairs and dead skin you’re left with the smoothest and barest skin you’ve EVER felt on your face.

Now this bad boy is probably more for the ladies – sorry guys but the technique can only be used on your cheeks and forehead.

Key benefits to Dermaplaning are:

  • Total exfoliation of dead skin cells

  • Removal of peach fuzz for super ‘baby bum’ smooth skin

  • Improvement of collagen and elastin

  • Fine lines and wrinkles look softer and less visible

  • Helps balance the skin and reduce break-outs

  • Reduces the appearance of facial scarring from acne or breakouts

  • Evens the skin tone

Can be used in conjunction with other facial treatments such as our Dermalogica peels, RED-Light Therapy, Our Geneo RF skin tightening, Retinol, Vitamin C and more….

Because it can be used on any skin type it’s super versatile, yet gives you instant results. The best results are achieved with a program of about 3-6 monthly treatments.

In-salon professional Dermaplaning facials are also waaaay better than you can do at home. The tools are a lot sharper and your therapist can get the correct angle to clear the hair and skin. Not to mention, at home you could easily cut yourself …and we definitely don’t want that!

Professionally performed Dermaplaning can remove more layers of skin, giving faster, better results, while at-home Dermaplaning generally fails to provide all the amazing benefits.

And in case you’re still considering a DIY Dermaplaning facial, read on…

Our Dermaplaning treatment is combined with the RED/NIR light to enhance the Dermaplaning procedure and calm the skin after the treatment. Dermaplaning before light therapy can enable the wave lengths to penetrate efficiently into the skin.

Once you’re a Dermaplaning convert and have had more than a couple of sessions we can add in Dermalogica Peels, Microneedling, and even our RF Tripollar skin tightening!

You just HAVE to try this facial – you’ll be amazed at how it leaves your skin and the results you’ll see immediately after your first treatment.

For SERIOUSLY great skin – come on in and consult with Jax about an individually tailored program. 




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